DIY media bits

Rajasthan’s DIY engineers

In the middle of the deserted region of northern India – women engineers of the Barefoot college engage into an eco-development projects using solar energy. Working with local people and tools to electrify villages, the Barefoot engineers are demonstrating that they can use their skills and knowledge to strengthen their social position on one hand and empower community.

Annemie Maes (OKNO, Bruxelles) is currently making a video documentary about the project involving local women groups and their DIY approach to self-sufficiency. More about Annemie’s participation and involvement with the Barefoot project in her blog ThoughtsandTalk

Chinese government blocks youtube

Posted in censorship,video by citymedia on March 16, 2008
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The Tibetan uprising has not been so violent in over a 20 years – the attention to the Tibetan government in exile during the Olympic games 2008 will be followed by protests worldwide and censorship will be undermining freedom in mainland China. Just one day after the protest in Lhasa, the Chinese government has decided to block access to the video sharing platform Youtube after riots in Lhasa have been reported with a dozen of videoclips.