DIY media bits

mind the gulp

Posted in blog by citymedia on November 10, 2008

I had just deleted a very uninteresting introduction to this next post, not because I thought it was superficial but because I thought that the discovery of the life of ‘the annotated budak’ deserved a more creative form of introduction.

I have not yet find similar interest with someone writing a blog in particular focusing on catching urban snippets linked with wildlife. but when I opened ‘the annotated budak’ and scrolled the variety of posts, I have found that mix of casualness and symphony which made me extremely curious to dig further.

It’s been six months I have been living in Singapore and have not yet clearly decipher how to explain my perceptions of this city. one thing is for sure. I found immediately connected to the forms and the familiarity of the sounds in the blog I was reading – as I have appreciated the local short film scene and finding a trailer from a wiked tale, of a strange experimental genre, melodic in its own ways sent me a buzz. believe me, when I watched the movie on a sunday afternoon, there were only five heads among the audience overlooking the screen. 

reading further, his/her  pictures, messages and books I found familiar and some I am yet to discover, and so its the city – Singapore – the proximity and the glories of nature and the infinite layers of unwritten paths, unwritten in tourist guides. 

I would now stop with this nonsense to immerse myself in the discovery of the annotated budak. careful, you are allowed to gulp if you read this blog, when you encounter species, ferocious and mankind alike. here there are no rules only freedom.

this morning – a different look

Posted in economy by citymedia on November 6, 2008

how can economy contribute to the discourse of ethics? what is ethical economy?

Adam Arvidsson & Nicolai Peitersen wrote a book called “Ethical Economy”, which might explain what comes next after the crash of capitalism, economy as we once knew it in terms of the consumer culture and what’s was already there and we didn’t see. Something to keep in mind when thinking when sharing a conversation, might be you are already enhancing ethical economy. As the authors say in the introduction of the book, social relations, not labour are what ethical economy is all about.

The website


Posted in hacking,technology by citymedia on November 4, 2008

“In the 21st century we should all know how to code” a young artist in Singapore

Next to media literacy, the web 2.0 generation and social network –  shouldn’t we bring into the picture social hardware ? My thoughts after watching this video are: “in the 21st century, shouldn’t we all become engineers?

Hackermedialearning how to run in the 21 century

Citizen Engineer is an online video series about open source hardware, electronics, art and hacking by Limor (Ladyada) Fried of Adafruit Industries & Phillip (pt) Torrone of MAKE magazine.

Phones: SIM card & payphone hackingLearn how a SIM card works (the small card inside GSM cell phones) make a SIM card reader, view deleted messages, phone book entries and clone/crack a SIM card. Modify a “retired” payphone so it can be used as a home telephone and for VoIP (Skype). Then learn how to modify the hacked payphone so it accepts quarters – and lastly, use a Redbox to make “free phone” calls from the modified coin-accepting payphone.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Citizen_Engineer “, posted with vodpod