DIY media bits


Posted in hacking,technology by citymedia on November 4, 2008

“In the 21st century we should all know how to code” a young artist in Singapore

Next to media literacy, the web 2.0 generation and social network –  shouldn’t we bring into the picture social hardware ? My thoughts after watching this video are: “in the 21st century, shouldn’t we all become engineers?

Hackermedialearning how to run in the 21 century

Citizen Engineer is an online video series about open source hardware, electronics, art and hacking by Limor (Ladyada) Fried of Adafruit Industries & Phillip (pt) Torrone of MAKE magazine.

Phones: SIM card & payphone hackingLearn how a SIM card works (the small card inside GSM cell phones) make a SIM card reader, view deleted messages, phone book entries and clone/crack a SIM card. Modify a “retired” payphone so it can be used as a home telephone and for VoIP (Skype). Then learn how to modify the hacked payphone so it accepts quarters – and lastly, use a Redbox to make “free phone” calls from the modified coin-accepting payphone.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Citizen_Engineer “, posted with vodpod